I had heard about the Boy and the Beast, but haven't had the chance to watch it yet. I was really enjoying the film. I found the beginning a bit cheesy, but it established everything that was happening and makes the world building easy to understand. I can see similarities between this and Zootopia, with the world building and the animal metaphors. I will definitely be finishing the film, it does a great job at building characters. I want to see what happens, to see how the film plays out, which to me makes this a successful film. I like the animation too, though it is very clean it still has good expression, especially with the bear guy. I also like the design of the Boar guy, I was sure he was going to be a lion for in American films the king tends to be a lion, but in Japan lions are not prevalent where as boars are. I found it interesting to see such a benevolent boar, where as in America boars tend to be seen as dumber or more goofy. I have seen Made in Abyss, and I was a fa...