Day 10: Cyber Punk

I have never watch AKIRA all the way though, I had only seen the main motorcycle chase and knew that it was the most expensive anime at the time. I did not know that this was not made by a singular company, but when watching it I could see slight variations in the animation. So far I can see why this film was so popular for it was so different for the time. I could also see the strong 80's influence, especially in the clothing and hairstyles. Honestly so far, I am not a huge fan. All these kids are annoying to me for this pushes for kids who are rebellious and rude are the cool ones and they treat women badly and overall just dirty. But, I get it, it makes sense for this story and time. It is beautifully animated and the characterization is important being anti-war/anti-military stances. Yet, they are terrorists who I do not really root for. You can't really take a stance, no one is really the 'good' ones. The main biker gang of the kids may be the only ones who you feel a little sympathy since they are kids and only act the way they do because of their environment.


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