Day 11: Alternate Worlds

I had heard about the Boy and the Beast, but haven't had the chance to watch it yet. I was really enjoying the film. I found the beginning a bit cheesy, but it established everything that was happening and makes the world building easy to understand. I can see similarities between this and Zootopia, with the world building and the animal metaphors. I will definitely be finishing the film, it does a great job at building characters. I want to see what happens, to see how the film plays out, which to me makes this a successful film. I like the animation too, though it is very clean it still has good expression, especially with the bear guy. I also like the design of the Boar guy, I was sure he was going to be a lion for in American films the king tends to be a lion, but in Japan lions are not prevalent where as boars are. I found it interesting to see such a benevolent boar, where as in America boars tend to be seen as dumber or more goofy.

I have seen Made in Abyss, and I was a fan of the series. I found it refreshing to see a dangerous world through innocent eyes. Seeing children face a beautiful, violent world. The characters are interesting and likable, you really care about the lead characters and want to see them succeed. There is not constant dialogue, there are moments that will just play out, moments where the scenery takes over and I really enjoyed those moments. I liked the mechanics of the world, adding the whistles that show their ranks and the interesting relics. I am excited for the next season for I want to know what happens to the kids in the end. I never really thought of this show as controversial for I have seen plenty of american and other foreign works that show just as controversial topics. I do not believe in censorship for I feel that that encourages the 'innocence is bliss' idea. Everything that is controversial has happened and will continue to happen and one cannot just sweep it under a rug. I can understand not wanting certain topics to be shown in a good light, but sometimes thats what happens in a story and causes a conversation for viewers. I feel that those conversations are important and spark peoples minds and cause these topics to be discussed where as they may not have been before.


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