Day 2: Experience of Ayako

The Evolution/Adaption of Magical Girl Trope

Kill la Kill / Panty Stocking

My experience reading Ayako was an good one. I read it online, which I prefer for I enjoy being able to zoom in on pictures and easier to read on my laptop. This is usually how I read manga for there are not many manga shops near where I lived. I was surprised by the overall atmosphere of the story. It was definitely a page turner for the the pace of the novel was quite fast. There were really no characters that I really liked or rooted for, the overall story is just depressing.
I felt bad for Ayako, being imprisoned and thus having no social skills one she grows up. I really enjoyed the overall style of the manga, some pages I would just study the drawings, especially the landscapes. I could not really relate to any of the characters except for maybe Ayako for I have some social anxiety and can find it difficult to communicate with people so I really felt for her wanting contact with people, but fearing the outside world.
Overall the story shows Southern Gothic themes, showing relations in clans and the complexity of incestuous themes. There is clear sexual abuse in this story. The idea that this world is different, this is not a normal place, thus they do not follow normal rules. War themes were prevalent in the story too. There are a lot of messed up characters and characters with PTSD, but at this time there was no diagnosis for this condition. You would question every character, wondering what they really felt or who they really could be. It just becomes more and more depressing as the story goes on with unfortunate circumstances piling up as the story continues.
The characters are complex and interesting, but none of them are likable which is frustrating to me. I enjoy reading stories for the characters, wanting to root for them or feel like I can understand them. This is not true for this story, but I did not hate it. I liked being able to read a story with a different view of characters and I found it scary how real this story could be for people often do horrible things.Overall I enjoyed reading this story, even though it was depressing, but I can see why Tezuka is such a prominent influence on manga and anime today.


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