Day 13: Silver Spoon
1) What is your reaction to the text you just read? Well, it is very familiar. I have actually seen the anime adaptation while it was being released to the US. I greatly enjoyed the series for you feel that you are experiencing the story along with protagonist who is also an outsider to farm culture. I also appreciate that the story teaches you so much about the farming culture and other people's views on different areas of farming. I really enjoyed the anime adaption and loved how true it stayed to the manga as I was reading it. I love how proactive and willing the main character is throughout the manga, this makes the reader get excited when he does and feel that they have learned something really interesting. I really want to finish the manga to see what all happens to everyone. 2) What connections did you make with the story? Discuss the elements of the work with which you were able to connect. As stated in the first question, I appreciated learning along with the protago...