Day 4: I Saw It

Question for Scholar:

1) What would you say is the most influential Manga/Anime you have seen / your personal favorite?
2) Is there any Manga/Anime that you would recommend?

When reading this in class I immediately recognized it from the Literature of Comics class. I remember watching the film adaptation you showed in class and being horrifies and greatly saddened by what I saw. When rereading the comic, the artistic interpretation of the victims is just as haunting. I will say that I did find the film to be a bit more striking to me as a viewer for the added screams and the visuals of people literally melting away and falling apart struck me harder than the comic. Saying that, the comic certainly does its job in having the viewer catch a glimpse of what Keiji went through during the bomb. I could not even begin to imagine what that would have been like, especially being only six years old, and to see most of your family disappear in an instant. Keiji does a phenomenal job of having us see the event through his eyes, you feel as if you are beside him as each event unfolds.


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